Saturday, March 14, 2020

India Backpack Trip - Qutub Minar, Delhi

India Backpack Trip 2016 - Qutub Minar, Delhi

Qutub Minar

The Qutb Minar, also spelled as Qutub Minar, is a minaret and "victory tower" that forms part of the Qutb complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Mehrauli area of Delhi, India. 

Qutub Minar ni, jarang sekali pelancong datang. Mungkin kerana kurang pendedahannya. Selalunya, kalau ke Delhi..  traveler akan hanya fikirkan India Gate saja, betul tak? Ramai yang tak tahu, di Delhi  juga ada tempat yang merupakan Unesco World Heritage. Qutub Minar adalah sebuah monumen atau pun bangunan complex yang ada tulisan calligraphy.

Qutub Minar is a soaring, 73 m-high tower of victory, built in 1193 by Qutab-ud-din Aibak immediately after the defeat of Delhi's last Hindu kingdom. The tower has five distinct storeys, each marked by a projecting balcony and tapers from a 15 m diameter at the base to just 2.5 m at the top. The first three storeys are made of red sandstone; the fourth and fifth storeys are of marble and sandstone. 

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At the foot of the tower is the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, the first mosque to be built in India. An inscription over its eastern gate provocatively informs that it was built with material obtained from demolishing '27 Hindu temples'. A 7 m-high iron pillar stands in the courtyard of the mosque. It is said that if you can encircle it with your hands while standing with your back to it your wish will be fulfilled.

The origins of Qutub Minar are shrouded in controversy. Some believe it was erected as a tower of victory to signify the beginning of the Muslim rule in India. Others say it served as a minaret to the muezzins to call the faithful to prayer.

No one can, however, dispute that the tower is not only one of the finest monuments in India, but also in the world.

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